Monday, December 10, 2007

Randomness In General

I am uncontrollably random. In speaking, in my blogs, in life generally. It is strange but I have gotten used to it. Its just part of my personality. When I have a thought, I normally just say it and it comes accross as out of the blue to others. Sometimes when I'm talking with my closest friends, other people will have no clue at all what we are talking about. We go from a discussion of one random moment or conversation to the other non-stop. Now that may seem wierd to quite a few, but I find myself unable to care. It's entertaining talking about so many different things and 90 percent of the time we all get a good laugh out of it. Unpredictability can be bad in some situations, but most of the time its a lot of fun. When talking about a football game the other day we can bounce to something hysterical that happened 4 years ago but is still funny. I love just talking to my friends because it always provides some source of entertainment. You can say I'm wierd or strange, but I'm really just random.

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