Monday, December 10, 2007

Need for Speed?

A serious topic that people continue to ignore is speeding. Every day accidents happen because of a driver traveling at a rate faster than they should be. I grew up in New Jersey, where a lot of people speed because it is a rural area. However, rural roads account for 40 percent of all vehicle miles traveled, and 61 percent of accidents occur there. Crash severity increases disproportionately with vehicle speed, so a head-on crash at 35 mph is one-third more violent than a collision at 30mph. The faster you go, the worse the crash will be and thats just common sense. It is nearly impossible to drive on a highway without seeing at least a few drivers fly by going 40 miles an hour above the speed limit, and its confusing as to why this happens. Regardless if someone is late for work or is trying to catch the begining of a game, they should not speed. It is not only dangerous to the person speeding but others as well. Reaction time is cut in half when you are traveling at high rates of speed, and drivers need to be more cautious and aware of what they are doing.

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