Monday, December 10, 2007

Home Videos are AWESOME.

For the past few years or so, I have been watching television shows such as Whacked Out Sports, Worlds Most Amazing Videos, and Maximum Exposure. Such programs are simply a compilation of short videos caught on tape live using home video cameras. Honestly it sounds pretty terrible because some of the videos involve people getting hurt, but thats not why I enjoy it. I just enjoy them because live action captured at random is really interesting. Its crazy to see things happen in the moment rather than a recreation or a spoken account from an eyewitness. Where else can you see a BMX riding jump over a house or see a pilot get sucked through a jet engine and walk away from it? Whenever someone catches a pride of lions fighting with a crocodile for a water buffalo only to see a heard of buffalo come back and rescue its companion, it is a rare event that probably wont be seen again, at least any time soon. When such raritites are caught on tape, it is always amazing to see them. So in the end, home videos are definitly a great form of entertainment and always will be.

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