Monday, December 10, 2007


Dreams are absolultely crazy. It is so strange how anything and everything is possible in dreams, but you never control them. Things just occur at random in your mind while you sleep. They can seem real, so real to the point where you cannot tell if it happened or didn't happen. Dreams can also seem ridiculous, with the dumbest or most random things imaginable, so strange that they could never be close to being mistaken as reality. For example, my friend woke up this morning and said (seriously he said this) "Dude, last night I had a dream about Steven Segal (a mediocre martial arts actor), but he had one leg. He was like, shooting a movie and fighting people, but he had a prosthetic." Now, I highly doubt that this dream has any relevance towards daily life or some greater meaning lost in translation. My friend does not know Steven Segal, Steven Segal does not have one leg, yet he had such an odd dream involving this. I have had deja vu dreams, where in my sleep I saw people I have never met before. Then, weeks later I would meet them or see them in real life. I can find no explanation for this, and its kind of creepy. Will these people end up meaning something in my life? Is this just a random sighting? What is the purpose of a dream? Dreams just confuse me in general. So in the end whether you dream about Steven Segal or random people that show up in real life, dreams are crazy.

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